Research Project

The most common funding type
A research project is a research proposal with a defined scope in terms of goal, expected results, duration, costs and research group(s). If the project involves collaboration between multiple organisations, the added value of each of the separate organisations has to be substantiated.
NB: If the project addresses a complex research question which requires four or more organizations, a Consortium project proposal should be submitted.
Eligibility conditions for a research project:
- The project leader must hold a PhD at the start of the project and be employed by a Dutch institute during the term of the project.
- At least one scientific researcher (PhD-student or postdoctoral researcher/(assistant/associate) professor/resident physician/medical specialist) is required to work a minimum of 0.5 FTE per year during the term of the project.
- The guideline for the duration of a research project is 4 years. Justification has to be provided when exceeding this duration.
- The cost for international internships can be included for scientific personnel.
- The research project is hypothesis-driven and has a defined duration and defined final analyses in which the hypothesis is confirmed or rejected.
- The main focus of the execution of the project has to be in the Netherlands. Parts of the work plan can be carried out in other countries, on the condition good reasons can be provided to explain why this is necessary for the realisation of the work plan.