Funding types

A flexible funding framework
KWF Dutch Cancer Society offers funding options for all research phases. KWF applies indicative amounts for project budgets instead of setting maximum budgets. This means there is no limit on the budget that can be requested for a project. Researchers can request what they need to take a new discovery/development through to the next phase. KWF retains the option to offer continued funding in case of promising results or terminate funding prematurely if the perspectives of a project or development change.
The funding framework consists of various types of funding, which can be applied for during each research phase. The applicable funding and eligibility criteria depend on both the ongoing research phase of the project and the type of funding applied for.
These funding types are available:
Research Project
The funding type for research projects with a limited scope in terms of time and research groups.
Young Investigator Grant
The funding type for young, talented researchers.
Unique High Risk Project
This type of funding offers the possibility of performing short-term preliminary work on the basis of a good, but not entirely crystallised idea.
Consortium project
Funding for research projects performed by or within more complex and/or bigger collaborations.
Funding for initiatives which support oncological research and a faster translation to concrete application for patients and the public.
Funding for implementation of concrete applications, which are positively evaluated in clinical setting and show demonstrable added value compared to the current practice, into oncology policy and practice at national scale.