Unique High Risk Project

Groundbreaking ideas
This type of funding is aimed at non-existing lines of research with a mostly theoretical basis, but with high potential for breakthroughs in science or the fight against cancer. Unique High Risk Projects offer the possibility to perform short-term preparatory work to determine if a not entirely crystallised idea offers any viable opportunities.
Eligibility conditions for a Unique High Risk Project:
- The project leader must hold a PhD at the start of the project and be employed by a Dutch institute during the term of the project.
- The project leader should have enough experience in the specific (scientific) area to enable efficient performance of pilot experiments, in order to turn a wild idea into a concrete and substantiated hypothesis.
- The guideline for the duration of a Unique High Risk Project is 1-1,5 years.
- The first evaluation will be six months after the start of the project. At this point it is decided whether to continue or stop funding for the project.
- The main focus of the execution of the project has to be in the Netherlands. Parts of the work plan can be carried out in other countries, on the condition good reasons can be provided to explain why this is necessary for the realisation of the work plan.
The Unique High Risk Projects are financed from the proceeds of Alpe d'HuZes