Funding for Exploration, Development and Implementation

The definition of the specific scope of each research phase within the KWF PR&I provides a solid platform to classify project proposals and review and facilitate research projects based on research phase-specific criteria.
- Exploration
o Phase 1: Basic research
o Phase 2: Credentialing - Development
o Phase 3: Creation of modality
o Phase 4: Preclinical research
o Phase 5: Clinical research - Implementation
o Phase 6: Implementation
In addition, KWF Dutch Cancer Society offers opportunities to support infrastructure initiatives in the field of oncology research (7) in each research phase.
A project proposal should be submitted in one of the seven phases mentioned above. In case a project proposal contains activities that belong to different research phases, please choose the earliest research phase of the project, except when a prospective (interventive) clinical research is part of the project, always choose the research phase ‘Clinical research’; those parts that fall within a previous phase (side studies) can be described as separate work packages within the work plan. Do not select the phase ‘Clinical research’ when only patient material is used (e.g. for identification or validation of targets/leads) or when the study is an observational study.