Reimbursement by health insurers or other parties

One important aspect of the implementation of your innovation is acquiring sustainable financial coverage. When your innovation is in use in daily clinical practice, who is covering the costs of this use?
The Dutch system for the coverage of healthcare is complex. It is always wise to talk to experts as early as possible.
In preparation, some basic knowledge is of course valuable.
To help you get started:
- Ascertain yourself which party will be responsible for covering the costs: Read more on the different options for sustainable coverage here.
- If the innovation should be covered by health insurance, make sure you are familiar with the basics of the system: Read more on the Dutch health insurance system here.
- Try to understand how your innovation fits in with the criteria and structure of the system: Read more here.
Experts who can help you on this topic:
THINC The Healthcare Innovation Center, part of the UMC Utrecht, offers short-cycle tailor-made research into innovations in healthcare. With a multidisciplinary team of enthusiastic professionals, we evaluate your innovation on, among other things, cost-effectiveness, usability and feasibility. We also provide expert methodological advice. All this to build a convincing portfolio for your innovation. From idea to implementation, we help developers of healthcare innovations move forward
HI-NL is a party that can help innovators that have established a proof of concept to evaluate the potential and the risks of the invention, and if it is considered valuable, helps design the route of validation and implementation. Their approach is based on the inclusion of all relevant stakeholders, in their own words: "Health Innovation Netherlands (HI-NL) is based on the proven fact that early dialogue between innovators and relevant stakeholders improves the value and effectiveness of health innovations. By bringing all relevant innovators and stakeholders together in one place through the HI-NL Round Table service, comprehensive well-structured guidance can be provided to accelerate the introduction of innovations that directly meet end-user needs."
Panaxea (Amsterdam Science Park): "Our goal is to support informed decision-making around innovations to improve health".
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